Welcome to the app Fishing knots dedicated units intended for fishing. We do not set ourselves the task to present all the known fishing knots. To do this, had neither place nor time. Our goal was to provide fishermen with the necessary tools to solve the tasks of fastening and connection lines, leashes, hooks and different baits. There are a huge number of nodes, which are used in different spheres of human activity, but only a fraction chose fishermen for his practice. And the main selection criterion reliability, once again the reliability, and then - easy. The nodes represented in this application, are primarily used for fishing and fishing, but many of the fishing knots are useful in other situations. Fishing knots are present even in the most simple of tackle with a float rod. There are many types of fishing sites, each of which is appropriate to use in any particular case. And today, their diversity continues to increase every angler modify existing ways of knitting to suit your needs. How to be a fishing knot? The concept of the perfect fishing knot formed long ago. Long-term experience of our ancestors, modern technologies and materials given the opportunity to make and test fishing knots in practice. A true fishing knot (knot fishing) needs to be durable and reliable. In addition, it is easily and quickly tied. Features of fishing sites. Fishing knots should be possible to perform its functions, what could you qualitatively to tie fishing line to the hook, tie a fishing line with fishing line or braided cord, securely tied Wobbler, minnow or other bait. If You tie the torn line, then the node needs without interference to pass through the rings of the rod. For these purposes the main knots used for fishing. Not all fishing knots are suitable for knitting braided and monofilament lines at the same time. Some types of nodes is useful for manolescu and others for braids. First, consider the types of fishing knots that are used for knitting the monofilament. They are needed for mounting of hooks, lures, connect the two lines. To learn how to quickly and accurately tie knots for fishing, you need to train at home. The house before to weave a knot of fishing line, read the pattern of fishing knots. Never skimp the fishing line when tying knots, your task is to form a correct node, and not to reduce the consumption of fishing line! Happy trails, dear fishermen!